New Residential Garbage Collection Services
One component of Senate Bill 1383 is its impact on our waste collection services in Stanislaus County. It greatly expands the requirements of businesses and residents (generators) regarding their waste collection and recycling services. The regulations require that all generators in highly populated census tracts must be subscribed to a compliant waste collection service that will help the State meet its targets in reducing the amount of waste that is sent to landfills. The new collection service will begin on January 1, 2022, for Bertolotti Disposal and Gilton Solid Waste customers, and on March 1, 2022, for Turlock Scavenger customers. For information on commercial collection services, please click here.
Bertolotti Disposal Customers
Beginning January 1, 2022, Bertolotti residential customers in affected census tracts will be required to source separate their waste using a three-cart collection system. The new standard collection will consist of:
One 96-gallon blue cart for glass, plastic, cardboard, aluminum, and other recyclables. This cart will be picked up every other week.
One 96-gallon green cart for organic material like grass clippings, green waste, food waste, and food-soiled paper. This cart will be picked up weekly.
One 96-gallon black cart for all other nonhazardous garbage. This includes diapers, pet waste, and other non-recyclable materials. This cart will be picked up weekly.
Beginning January 1, 2022, Gilton Solid Waste residential customers in affected census tracts will be required to source separate their waste using a two-cart collection system. The new standard collection will consist of:
One 96-gallon green cart for organic material like grass clippings, green waste, food waste, and food-soiled paper. This cart will be picked up weekly.
One 96-gallon black cart for all other nonhazardous garbage and recyclables. This includes bottles, cans, diapers, pet waste, and other materials. This cart will be picked up weekly.
Beginning March 1, 2022, Turlock Scavenger residential customers in affected census tracts will be required to source separate their waste using a three-cart collection system. The new standard collection will consist of:
One 90-gallon blue cart for glass, plastic, cardboard, aluminum, and other recyclables. This cart will be picked up every other week.
One 90-gallon green cart for organic material like grass clippings, green waste, food waste, and food-soiled paper. This cart will be picked up weekly.
One 90-gallon black cart for all other nonhazardous garbage. This includes diapers, pet waste, and other non-recyclable materials. This cart will be picked up weekly.
​Who must comply with these changes?
All residential and commercial waste generators in the affected census tracts must subscribe to the compliant collection system provided by their franchised hauler. To view the census tract map, please click here.
What can I put in the different colored carts?
Bertolotti Disposal/Turlock Scavenger Customers:
Blue Cart - Recyclable material (rinsed soda cans, plastic/glass bottles, milk cartons, cardboard, clean paper, etc)
Green Cart - Organic material (Green waste, lawn clippings, food scraps, food-soiled paper, paper towels, tissues, clean wood)
Black Cart - All other non-hazardous material (diapers, pet waste, toothpaste tubes, latex, etc.)
Gilton Solid Waste Customers:
Green Cart - Organic material (Green waste, lawn clippings, food scraps, food-soiled paper, paper towels, tissues, clean wood)
Black Cart - All other recyclable and nonhazardous materials (cans, bottles, diapers, pet waste, latex, etc.)
What changes will happen to my garbage service?
All existing customers will have new carts delivered to their residence before the start of the new services on January 1, 2022, for Bertolotti and Gilton; March 1, 2022, for Turlock Scavenger.
I live in a rural area of the County, will I need to comply with this requirement?
Some rural areas will now be required to have the new service to meet the State regulations. The regulations determine who needs the new service based on the census tract they are located in. For a map of these areas, please click here.
Will my garbage rate increase for the new service?
Yes, the new garbage service will increase rates significantly due to the increased costs involved. The final rate will be approved on December 14, 2021.
What happens if I don't subscribe to a compliant service?
Residents and businesses who do not comply with the new regulations will be subject to fines and penalties as outlined in the County Code. Unpaid fines may be added to property tax bills.
Who can I contact with questions about these changes?
For further questions, please contact the Department of Environmental Resources, Solid Waste Division at 209-525-6700.