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Pet Tips

  • Pick up your pet's waste every single time. Animal waste contains disease-causing pathogens and harmful chemicals and nutrients, that when left on the ground, wash down storm drains and contaminate local waterways and beaches. There is a County ordinance, which bans dog owners from leaving animal waste on public or private property. If an owner disregards this law they may be fined.

  • Throw away pet waste in the garbage; never wash it out into the street or into the storm drain.

  • Take advantage of the complimentary bags offered in dispensers at local parks. Use them to dispose of your pet's waste.

  • Ensure you always have extra bags in your car so you are prepared when you travel with your dog.

  • Carry extra bags when walking your dog and make them available to other pet owners who are without.

  • Teach children how to properly clean up after a pet. Encourage them to throw used bags in the nearest trash receptacle if they are away from home on a walk.

  • Put a friendly message on the bulletin board at the local dog park to remind pet owners to clean up after their dogs.

  • Tell friends and neighbors about the ill effects of animal waste on the environment. Encourage them to clean up after pets and teach their children as well.

  • If possible, bathe your pets indoors, using less toxic shampoos, or have your pet professionally groomed. Runoff from pet shampoos and soaps can be toxic and contribute to storm water pollution.

Automotive Tips

  • Inspect and maintain your car regularly to prevent oil and antifreeze leaks, which can contribute to storm water pollution.

  • When changing vehicle fluids - motor oil, transmission, brake and radiator fluids - drain them into separate drip pans to avoid spills and never dispose of these fluids in the street, gutter or garbage - it contributes to storm water pollution and is illegal.

  • Recycle your used motor oil and other automotive fluids by taking them to a certified used oil recycling center where it can be disposed of properly. For a location near you in Los Angeles County, call 1-888-CLEAN LA (1-888-253-2652).

  • Never wash spills into the gutter or street where they will end up flowing into storm drains. Clean up spilled motor oil, grease, antifreeze or other automotive fluid with kitty litter or other absorbent materials and dispose of in the trash.

  • Wash and clean your car on a grassy area, so the ground can filter the soaps, polishers, waxes and other chemicals in the water and prevent them from entering the storm drain system. Or take your car to a commercial car wash that uses water efficiently and disposes of runoff properly.

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