Mandatory Commercial Recycling
Who Must Recycle
State law requires the following businesses to arrange for recycling services:
• Any business that generates 4 cubic yards or more of waste per week; and
• Multi-family communities with five or more units.
How to Arrange for Recycling Services
• Businesses that meet the threshold must place source-separated recyclable materials in the bins
or containers provided exclusively by Stanislaus County’s waste collection and recycling service
• Businesses may also donate, sell and/or make other arrangements for pick up and recycling of
the materials. This includes self-hauling the materials to recycling facilities.
Opportunities to Save Resources and Help the Environment
Recycling conserves resources and reduces greenhouse gas
emissions. It extends the life of our landfills and helps create a
healthy environment for our community and future generations.
Be Sure to Educate your Employees
Employees are key to a successful business recycling program.
Please make sure your employees know which materials can be
recycled and where to place the recyclable materials for
temporary storage and ultimate collection.
What Not to Place in Recycling Bins
Some hazardous waste can be recycled if handled properly. Other types of hazardous waste must
be sent to a special facility. Of course, no hazardous waste should be placed in trash containers.
• Hazardous waste such as batteries, paint, antifreeze, chemicals and cleaning products should
not be mixed in with your recyclable materials set out for collection. Instead, these hazardous
wastes should be recycled or disposed of properly. For more information about proper handling,
please visit
• Electronic devices such as old computers, monitors, TVs, and cell phones are recyclable but also
contain hazardous materials. They should not be placed in recycling bins or in trash bins either.
For more information about how to manage these items, visit
Where to Go for More Information
• Information about California’s business recycling requirements is available from the California
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) at
• You may also contact Stanislaus County, Department of Environmental Resources at
(209) 525-6700 for more information.