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What is Composting?


What is composting?

Composting is a natural process by which organic materials decompose. Making compost is a controlled or managed version of the natural process. By concentrating the activity in one place and balancing food, air, and water, compost happens faster. Composting keeps solid waste out of our garbage stream and reduces emissions at our landfills!

What is compost?

Compost is the soil amendment product that results from proper composting. The end product of the compost process is a soil- or humus-like material that will increase the health of soil.

How does compost benefit the soil?

Compost is like a multivitamin for your soil. It will aid in erosion control, promote soil fertility, and stimulate healthy root development. Compost improves soil structure by adding organic content and also increases the water-holding capacity of soil so that you will not need to water as much. Additionally, compost helps keep heavy-clay-content soil from compacting, meaning that the soil is easier to work and root systems will develop better. It also gives sandy soil needed structure.

Is composting recycling?

Yes. Just like plastic beverage containers or aluminum cans, yard clippings and fruit and vegetable scraps are a valuable resource that can be recycled. Organic materials can be recycled into a soil amendment that will improve and maintain the health of your soil.

How long does it take to produce compost?

Composting happens, but your level of labor dictates how quickly. Generally, it should take from three to six months to make a single batch of compost, depending upon the blend of materials, how often the pile is turned, and the moisture content.

Why should I compost?

Backyard composting allows you to recycle your yard clippings and fruit and vegetable scraps into a valuable soil amendment right in your own yard. It is a great way to save money, reduce the amount of waste that is disposed or processed, and improve the quality of your urban environment.

How do I compost? 

Just add water and stir!

Composting is a very basic process. You can simply put yard clippings and vegetable scraps into a pile and let nature do the rest in its own time. Compost will happen; yet it will happen very slowly. You can help it along by providing a balanced diet and an enriched environment for the organisms that do the work of composting.

Watering the pile?

Moisture content of 40% is the desired moisture level. Begin adding water when you begin to build your pile. Water should be distributed evenly throughout the pile.


Turn the pile once a month. The decomposer organisms still need air to survive.

3800 Cornucopia Way Suite C
Modesto, CA 95358

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