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Electronic waste, or e-waste, is discarded electronic and electrical devices. Proper e-waste disposal is important because electronic devices often contain hazardous materials (such as lead, cadmium, or brominated flame retardants). Because of these dangers, improper disposal of e-waste is illegal in the state of California. To ensure that these harmful substances do not contaminate our county’s land and water, please dispose of your electronic devices at any of these e-waste collection or recycling centers below.

Universal waste, or U-Waste, is waste that includes hazardous materials but are very commonly found inside a household. Items such as batteries, fluorescent lamps and tubes, and thermometers all contain hazardous substances (such as mercury and lead) and cannot be disposed of in the garbage. To ensure that these harmful substances do not contaminate our county’s land and water, please dispose of your universal waste at any of these collection centers.


Best Buy –
Home Depot –
Lowes –
Staples –
Target –
Wal-Mart –
Batteries Plus –

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