Turlock Scavenger provides curbside collection services to Areas 3 and 4 of Stanislaus County Unincorporated.
Follow the links below to download your copy of their current list of Acceptable Materials and Collection Calendar.

Photo Source: cityofturlock.org
Turlock Transfer
Turlock Scavenger provides curbside collection services to Areas 3 and 4 of Stanislaus County Unincorporated
Transfer Station Hours of Operation:
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., CLOSED Sunday
See Website For Holiday Schedule
Cash, VISA, and MasterCard accepted
All loads are weighed. The minimum charges listed below will be applied to loads weighing less than 1,000 pounds.
Prices are Effective as of January 3, 2022, these prices are Subject to Change Without Notice
Keep scrolling to see a List of Rates

Photo Source: Google.com/maps
We DO NOT accept the following waste at our facility:
Hazardous waste, liquids, large dead animals, animal waste, medical waste, or unknown waste in drums.